Live in this very moment…

Last month, Psychology Today printed Jay Dixit’s worthwhile read entitled, The Art of Now: Six Steps to Living in the Moment. Life unfolds in the present. But so often, we let the present slip away, allowing time to rush past unobserved and unseized, and...

Esteem Cleaning

In my book, I cover several areas of what it means to be a “self” and how our addiction to “self hood” can lead us astray. Recently, I offered up a post dealing with an issue that I frequently run up against as a teacher, one that always sounds...

Opening Beyond Fixed Views

Sylvia Boorstein recounts a dinner she attended on the eve of the US presidential election over at  Shambhala Sun Space. My sense is that she expresses what many of us may have felt as the election process evolved. “A man sitting across from me, the one person...

Faith and Fear

Yesterday, Michael Paulson’s Articles of Faith Blog addressed media coverage of religion during the presidential campaign season: …the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life offer a critical look at how the news media covered the role of religion in this...

Real Humility

Over at the Washington Post’s, On Faith section, John Mark Reynolds makes the point that humility supports our spiritual evolution. He also suggests that we have little control over God’s plan for us: The events that impact a nation are ultimately in...

Calling up Compassion

In Karen Armstrong’s recent post, Calling All Religions to Compassion, she rightly brings up some key points of integration for traditions: Compassion is indeed central to every one of the major world religions — but sometimes you would never know it....

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