
ISmile 83- The 5 Stages of Ego Grieving its own death

Eihei Dogen asks us if we can't "find Truth where we are where do we expect to find it". Yet this is difficult to practically apply since usually we live our lives from a position of lack. In this talk Michael suggests that it is this perpetual sense of lack that gets...

ISmile 82- Negativity Shows Us Home

Negativity is merely the resistance to what is happening in this very moment. Despite this, in whatever its form negativity points us toward Awakening. Even in the face of horror and tragedy this teaching offers each of us an opportunity to Awaken. In this talk,...

ISmile 81- Losing Our Enemies

The words of the Buddhist sage Nagarjuna can suggest that the only way for the Ultimate Truth to become significant to us is if we take great care to know the conventional truth. In this talk, Michael points out that Nagarjuna's words suggest that we need to become...

ISmile 80- Being Freedom 2

So what does it really mean to live in just this very moment? Rumi says that "Past and future veil God from our site", but how do we cut through this veil as we lead contemporary lives? In this talk, Michael suggests that stilling everything that moves offers us a...

ISmile79 – Uncovering the Kosmic Giggle

Despite the fact that the present moment is all that we ever have, we build lives around past wrongs and future wants. In this talk, Michael points toward ways that we can recognize the difference between the contracted, dense, and "heavy self" and the open, vast, and...

ISmile78 – Transforming Not Translating

Ken Wilber has written beautifully on the issue of egoic translation being mistaken for Spiritual transformation. In this talk, Michael suggests a path for each of us that supports transformation. When this authentic transformative practice manifests we find that...

ISmile 77- Ego’s Etch-a-Sketch

Sometimes it can help to look at egoic moves in one of four directions: toward acquisition, toward aversion, toward the past, or toward the future. In this talk, Michael suggests that instead of living our life in this two-dimensionality, we can open to a...

ISmile76 – Receiving the Big Fat Kiss

What is the "experiencer", the "seer", or the "Witness" of our experience? In this talk, Michael explains how our attention to our experience, if offered fully, allows for a profound expansion in our consciousness. He suggests, as mentioned in the Lankavatara Sutra,...

ISmile75 – Why Meditate?

Why meditate? Really. Can't we awaken without stillness? In this talk, Michael suggests that awakening can only happen through stillness because it is only in the still spaces between our thoughts that the present moment can ever be accessed consciously. And it is...

ISmile74 – The Full Monty of Consciousness

What does it mean to have a life oriented around a radical honesty? This occurs spontaneously as we incorporate stillness into our awareness of what is happening in each moment. Michael uses Rainer Maria Rilke's words to start us off on the relationship between beauty...

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