A Tribute to Thomas Merton

Thanks to Digita Dharma for remnding us of Thomas Merton’s contribution to the integration of wisdom beyond wisdom, regardless of tradition. Forty years after his premature death many of us still owe him so much for clarifying the Path. Merton saw Buddhism not...

Reflecting a deeper compassion

On Michael Paulson’s Articles of Faith Blog, San Francisco’s Archbishop George H. Niederauer’s defense of California’s Proposition 8, outlawing same-sex marriage is paired with its backlash. The only problem is that the video “Proposition...

Zen Mormans?

In today’s MormonTimes, we learn of two BYU students who consider themselves Zen Mormons. “They have things to teach us,” [Zach] Elison said. “Everything I love about Buddhism I find in my own religion, they just emphasize it...

Sam Harris and Andrew Sullivan Discuss Faith

While I happened upon this discussion late, I liked it very much. Both men are intelligent, passionate and polite. In their exchange Harris, author of The End of Faith, establishes a definition: I think that faith is, in principle, in conflict with reason (and,...

In this clip, Stephen Colbert asks Lama Surya Das if it would be hard for Barack Obama to convert from a secret Muslim to a Buddhist.

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