
Welcome to the Infinite Smile Blog. We’ve set up shop at Substack.

Winter 2011 – Day-long Intensive

Meeting Our Heart’s Deepest Longing Saturday, February 19 GREEN GULCH FARM ZEN CENTER This one-day sitting will involve sitting and walking meditation, Dharma talks, Q & A and, by request, private interviews with Michael. Confirmation will be sent to you when your...

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Spring 2011 – Weekend Retreat

Living from Abundance Friday, March 18 - Sunday, March 20 MOUNT MADONNA CENTER Despite the fact that many of us are feeling depleted or lacking in some way, there is a timeless teaching that can potentially shift our perspective.  Imagine living from a place where,...

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Weekly Sangha Meetings

Please come join us MONDAYS, 7:30-9:00pm. Where we meet: Lafayette Christian Church 584 Glenside Drive Lafayette, CA Need directions? Check out our calendar for details on all of our events. For those of you joining us for your first time, here's what to...

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Spring 2011 – Day-long Intensive

Surfing Life's Waves Saturday, May 21 GREEN GULCH FARM ZEN CENTER This one-day sitting will involve sitting and walking meditation, Dharma talks, Q & A and, by request, private interviews with Michael. Confirmation will be sent to you when your $80 payment is...

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Fall 2011 – Weekend Retreat

Stability In The Face of Change September 23 - 25, 2011 MOUNT MADONNA CENTER Change is all there is, and yet so often we can find ourselves resisting it.  What if we were able to embrace change, thereby cultivating an internal peace that supports a deep and lasting...

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We're expanding our podcast and video offerings. In addition, we've started live-streaming our weekend retreats. Please tune in and share in the experience.

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Over 300 recordings of Michael's Dharma talks since 2004.

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The News

Infinite Smile's take on issues and items of interest expressed through people we follow on twitter. Click below in order to see the online paper.

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Welome to the Infinite Smile Sangha. We've designed it with the user in mind, merging offerings of content as well as ways for participants to feel more deeply connected to each other as well as themselves. Click on the tabs above and check things out. Highlights...

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