by Infinite Smile | Nov 26, 2012 | Blog
How might a Buddhist most effectively respond to the many pressing (often scary) issues facing humanity today? It’s not very bodhisattva-like, for example, to merely cloak oneself in “non-attachment” when an “appropriate response” is to...
by Infinite Smile | Dec 27, 2009 | Blog
I was asked recently after giving a talk on engaged politics, what I thought of peace as a political orientation. What came out of my mouth made me laugh. “I’m pro-peace,” I said. The young man just stared. I then went off a little bit on how an...
by Infinite Smile | Mar 13, 2009 | Blog, Photos
“Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies.” -from the Nietzsche Family Circus Or, as other bodhisattvas might just as easily say: certitude leads to war. Bows, The Daily Dish
by Infinite Smile | Nov 8, 2008 | Blog
In a a recent post over at Intent Blog, Deepak Chopra writes about taking a vow of non-violence in his thinking, speaking and his actions in front of an audience of 500 people at a plenary session of The Alliance for a New Humanity. I told them if they were ready to...