1. Check out our Retreats Page and join us on Saturday, Feb. 1st.
2. Join the conversation on Substack,”Singularity & Separation”.
3. Make sure you are on our mailing list (subscribe below… and Stay Connected) as this form of communication will be the path forward as we look to make our events more secure.
Michael McAlister & Infinite Smile

In 2001, the Infinite Smile Sangha (501[c]3) came into being as a way for seekers to integrate relevant spiritual practices with 21st century living. It continues today with members of the Sangha (Sanskrit for “community”) working to embody the transformation that they wish to see in the world through the Zen-inspired, meditative practices that Michael McAlister both leads and teaches. He just completed his studies for a Global Executive Doctorate in Education, with his dissertation dealing with the integration of mindfulness practices in US high schools.
Awake In This Life
Written in clear, often humorous prose, Awake In This Life guides readers into leading conscious lives and awakening what is sacred and true in each of us.
Deepening Awareness: The Integration of Mindfulness Practices in United States High Schools
Mindfulness practices build an attentive awareness of the present moment and appear to support the kind of well-being school communities seek to cultivate. Currently there are increases in demands for the services offered by crisis counselors, who work to serve students’ emotional needs. Students are increasingly reporting levels of chronic sadness, hopelessness, and suicidal ideation. This is reflected nationally with high school students around the country reporting increased incidents of stress and depression. Michael’s recent doctoral study deals extensively with this topic.