Dialogs With My Teacher #53

January 4, 2011 (#53) Student: Can you explain what you mean when you say that our spiritual transition can get ugly when glimpses of the Infinite start to show up? Michael: When the egoic you, or small self, sees that the Infinite You, or Big Self, exists, things can...

Buddhism in the US Surges

This near doubling in the number of self-identified, US Buddhists since 2007 is interesting: A new study by the Pew Forum on Religious and Public Life estimates that between 1 and 1.3 percent of the United States population—between 3 and 4 million people—identifies as...

Dialogs With My Teacher #52

December 28, 2010 (#52) Student: What is the difference between knowing and believing? Michael: Both are activities of the mind that can be useful. If, for instance, you know something, you generally have some kind of evidence to back up your mental position. With...

Which Style of Meditation is Right?

Thought this was cool… SAN FRANCISCO STATE UNIVERSITY Meditation’s variations can frustrate or enlighten To the uninformed observer, meditation looks simple: Sit still, seek inner peace, repeat. But meditation can be practiced in a variety of forms, each...

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