The Recipe for Enlightenment

One of my more senior students recently commented, “You pretty much just point out the shortcuts on the path, don’t you.” On my best days, yes. It’s what we teachers do. We try to point students in the right direction; one that will help them let go of even more. At...

The Gift of No Abode

Several years prior to any formal spiritual practice, I was walking through New York City’s East Village one night during a particularly cold March rain. I was a starving artist on my way home from an evening of waiting tables, and I was experiencing great difficulty...

Aung San Suu Kyi is free… now what?

Fiat, using Manjushri’s sword and letting light in… The worsthorse also reports that the Dalai Lama is contributing his marketable image to Aung San Suu Kyi’s plight. All this amid the ending of her house arrest and subsequent release by Burmese...

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