In this talk, Michael offers insights on the necessity of cultivating stillness as a way into the heart of awakening. This is part of his PASSAGE series. via ISmile259 – Stillness | Infinite Smile.

The Summoned Self

Could it be that the MSM is verging on a discussion involving higher order self-hood? Is fully responding to life starting to creep into our dialog? While this column doesn’t necessarily do this, we can still lean into hope. The person leading the Well-Planned...

Day 2: Integral Theory Conference

Listening to Dr. Elke Fein talk about history from an integral perspective. She argues that collective traumatic experience has more of a social, cultural, and political development than we’ve imagined. This and how a society relates to its past work to...

Integral Theory Conference – 2010

Enjoying a pre-conference conference on the Three Faces of Spirit, being led by Diane “Musho” Hamilton and Dr. Marc Gafni. While the subject matter is interesting and its being skillfully delivered, I’m finding it an interesting practice to take...

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