Q & A: When the Fire of Awakening Burns…

Gotta’ love when the earthquake of Awakening rattles and rolls everything we’ve ever known to be true… Question(s): As I sit, all that comes within my attention, or where I choose to turn my attention, exists because I’ve turned my attention on...

Redux: Wisdom

The teachings surrounding wisdom have been popping up around Infinite Smile recently. So here’s a re-posting of part of the chapter on this subject from Awake in This Life: As the audience, or Witness, of the illusory and repetitious charade of ego on the Stage...

A Not-So-Full Enlightenment

I got an email recently that was pretty cool. In it the anonymous writer rather pointedly suggested that I was wrong to suggest that Alan Chapman’s self-professed “full” enlightenment, documented over at his site, Open Enlightenment, was at best an...

A little bit on kensho…

Over at digitalZENDO, there is an great piece on discussing the elusive experience of insight that Zennists call kensho: Avoiding talking about Kensho, does not make use virtuous or spiritual. Maybe it’s the contrary, it perhaps avoiding a direct conversation...

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