Redux: Anger and Dogma

I’ve been reading and listening to lots of conflict over the past several days. Along with the recent killing of the doctor who performs abortions as well as yesterday’s shooting at the Holocaust Museum, it got me thinking about some writing I did on this...

He’s Not the Messiah! He’s a Naughty, Naughty Boy!

A couple of more pieces on the ongoing saga of Osel Hita Torres who recently left monastic life and his tradition: Over at the Guardian, Victoria Coren offers up an interesting bit of analysis: …you have to know what you are rejecting. Otherwise, the rejection...

Should I Leave My Teacher?

I thought I’d share this exchange I just had with a reader: Michael, for some reason, issues of guru abuse are coming at me from every direction. I just had a good friend call me asking to talk – she has been with a guru here in the Bay Area for 7 years...

Muslims Throwing Light Upon Themselves

Over at the, Deepak Chopra offers some analysis of Obama’s speech in Cairo: …it was a cobweb-clearing speech. The content wasn’t exceptional. Before Muslims assumed the role of bogeyman after 9/11, any tolerant educated person realized...

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