Mindful Drinking?

NPR contributor, Ted Rose, offers up a very interesting piece on mindfulness and the consumption of alcohol. It’s well worth the read. Money quote: …once a meditator has developed basic Buddhist discipline (known as Hinayana training) and adopted the...

A Rush of Anti-Morality

In a very thoughtful piece, Deepak Chopra offers some perspective on Rush Limbaugh’s style of communication and its impact on our perceptions of morality: Before the Eighties there were a handful of right-wing outlets on the air; now there are well over a...

Mindfulness, Schmindfulness

Judith Warner has some interesting critique of mindfulness in today’s New York Times. As I was reading her words, it became apparent that she had made some significant missteps in her practice, leaving it largely ego-driven, escapist and out-of-balance. This is...

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