Arun Gandhi on Individualism

Arun Gandhi asks the question: are we a nation of individuals… … in the United States, individualism is highly rated and independence is cherished with such zeal that one could conclude that the United States is a nation of individuals, each striving to...

Bernie Madoff’s malfunctioning mirror neurons

Salon offers up an interesting article this morning questioning the way Madoff’s mind works. I suspect we all wonder what, if anything, Madoff feels when directly confronted by those he has utterly destroyed. He cooked the books and perpetually lied to his...

Shambala International: a victim of Madoff

According to the Denver Post, the Agile Group, headed by longtime Dharma supporter Neal Greenberg, has been rocked by Bernard Madoff’s swindle. This could have dire implications for Shambhala. Another potential victim of Agile’s collapse is Shambhala...

Just Let the Ego Bless the Economy!

Here’s an interesting post. Dr. Susan Corso offers some advice that sounds like something that could come from The Secret: It’s time to BLESS THE ECONOMY, and quit winging and moaning about how bad it all is. Now don’t misunderstand me. I’m not...

In the face of fundamentalist intimidation

Andrew Sullivan writes of the moving case of John Hari: I linked to Johann Hari’s excellent defense of free speech in the face of religious intimidation here. The piece was eventually published in India – and this is what happened: That night, four...

Disappointment in Your Spiritual Teachers

Great post. I’ve written about this before but it’s always helpful to revisit the issue. What do we do when our spiritual guides don’t quite measure up to our own expectations of them? Can recognizing their limitations actually help free the wisdom...

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