Off to an Infinite Smile intensive…

I always love leading these things. But at the same time, I sometimes wonder if the words will come. I know I can’t attach to outcomes. If I did, I’d be frustrated with myself as well as many of my students. Instead, I find myself wondering what might...

Studying Hard

The BuddhistChannel reports: Loden Jinpa, one of a handful of Buddhist monks and nuns who live on the property, has just begun a PhD in philosophy and spends his days researching at the State Library or reading ancient Tibetan texts. But, unlike most doctoral...

The Emotional Aspect of the Sacred

Miriam Greenspan’s article, The Dark Side of the Sacred, comes to us from integral praxis. Emotions live in the body. It is not enough simply to talk about them, to be a talking head. We need to focus our attention on emotions where they live. This willingness...

A Cup of the Javanese Please

The Guardian’s John Pitcher offers some expat insight on Indonesian religious tolerance: Where a church is used for the initial wedding ceremony Muslim family members sit with Christians or, if they feel uncomfortable, they sit outside near the door and join in...

Swimme-ing into the Future

Over at integral praxis, they posted a vid that incorporates nice imagery with the thought-provoking words of Dr. Brian Swimme. Two notes: 1. I know of few individuals with a more interesting view of the comprehensive whole than Brian Swimme. He gets the big picture...

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