That Kind of Silence

In a letter to God,’s Mark Vernon wants to uncover the depth of true Silence. The kind that Thomas Aquinas uncovered on 6th December 1273 when he uttered his final “Ite missa est” (the mass is ended) and then left the altar for good....

Biblically Guided Foreign Policy?

Matt Duss, over at The Guardian has some policy analysis worthy of attention. What happens when a developmental orientation focused on a fundamentalist approach inspires foreign policy? What happens when this thinking becomes contagious through the (ahem… viral)...

The Drunk as the Bodhisattva

Over at Tricycle, Alexandra Kolyanides posts a wonderful bit on Faulkner’s advice to writers back when he won the Nobel Prize. I was struck by how his words sounded like the Path. The young man or woman writing today has forgotten the problems of the human heart...

Faith That Lacks Faith

TIME Magazine’s David van Biema gives us 2008’s Top 10 stories on religion. For my money, this story is especially fascinating since it applies to our sangha in really specific ways. A 35,000-person poll by the Pew Forum for Religion & Public Life...

A Tribute to Thomas Merton

Thanks to Digita Dharma for remnding us of Thomas Merton’s contribution to the integration of wisdom beyond wisdom, regardless of tradition. Forty years after his premature death many of us still owe him so much for clarifying the Path. Merton saw Buddhism not...

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