Calling up Compassion

In Karen Armstrong’s recent post, Calling All Religions to Compassion, she rightly brings up some key points of integration for traditions: Compassion is indeed central to every one of the major world religions — but sometimes you would never know it....

Is Compassion Really Shared?

Interesting writing by Brian D. McLaren over at the Washington Post’s “On Faith” section: A lot of people say that the deeper you go, the more all religions are the same. Based on my study and experience, that statement strikes me as potentially...

Geopolitical Power

I was impressed years ago when I read Paul Kennedy’s book, Preparing for the 21st Century. In it there is a chapter on the dilemma that the US faces: whether or not it has the capacity, or desire, to adjust to a changing world. Among the many topics that...

Buddha 2.0 in Nepal?

This goes along with what I mentioned in yesterday’s post about Buddhism losing traction in the East. What’s the best way to get people back into the temple? Maybe a little messianic mythology and claims of reincarnated Buddhas could inspire clinging and...

Buddhism Loses Traction

Barbara O’Brien at writes a blog titled, Japanese Buddhism: Going Out of Business? Based on my travels over the last decade, I’d have to say that I agree with her observations. I’d also say that the idea that we should return to the...

Spiritual McCarthyism

In a a recent post over at Intent Blog, Deepak Chopra writes about taking a vow of non-violence in his thinking, speaking and his actions in front of an audience of 500 people at a plenary session of The Alliance for a New Humanity. I told them if they were ready to...

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