A graphic shows traces of collision of particles at the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) on December 13, 2011 in Geneva.
Admittedly, I get geeky over stuff like this “God particle.” But for the record, I’m betting that God also shows up as a wave, depending on who’s … ahem… Witnessing.
Physics has a well-deserved reputation for being horrendously complicated, but sometimes its the simplest questions that lead to truly profound insights. When Einstein asked himself, “What would happen if you could ride on a beam of light?” for example, the answer led him to the Special Theory of Relativity.
For the past few decades, particle physicists have been wrestling with another deceptively simple question: Why does anything have mass? You might wonder “why not?” But according to modern physics, you cant get away that easily. The existence of mass the property of matter that gives gravity something to pull on needs explaining.
via God Particle Found? Search for the Higgs Boson Narrows – TIME.