by Infinite Smile | Jan 27, 2020
by Infinite Smile | Nov 29, 2018
Michael discusses how it is that we can carry a practice that allows for us to “get there” in terms of waking up. Among the most necessary approaches to this process is to deconstruct the reality we live in from a personal perspective, at least. This is...
by Infinite Smile | Nov 25, 2018
This evening’s talk spans poetry, rock ‘n roll, awareness, friendship, and how we can meet our experiences during the Holiday season with care and purpose. In fact, Michael argues, “awareness itself, is gratitude.”...
by Infinite Smile | Nov 11, 2018
Among the most important aspects of spiritual work is our sense of community. It can inspire us and keep us focused on the needs of the moment. It can also remind us of how necessary it is to make friends with our fear, thus allowing for our actions to be sourced from...
by Infinite Smile | Jun 28, 2018
So often we find ourselves working to build things that we see as beneficial: a life, a relationship, a home, or even a philosophy that might work to offer us shelter from the chaos of contemporary living. In this talk, Michael offers us a chance to examine this...