by mmcalister2017 | Sep 6, 2005
There have been several requests for some guided meditation. Here we have it. Just sit back and relax as Michael talks us from Eterntity to here in about 20 minutes.
by mmcalister2017 | Sep 1, 2005
Having the courage to authentically engage in a stillness practice means that we are ready to move past our resistance patterns. This is when we can consciously “pop the balloon” that acts as the boundary of the separate self. In this talk, Michael...
by mmcalister2017 | Aug 30, 2005
Mind, or what we might also call ego, can only survive in two places: either in the past or in the future. But what about the space between our thoughts? This openness is what in Zen we call “No Mind”. In this talk, Michael suggests that the practice of...
by mmcalister2017 | Aug 24, 2005
Letting go of everything, and then acting from this place of radical surrender is the manifestation of Awakening. But how do we do this in practical terms? In this talk, Michael offers us a some pointers on how to practice both surrender and forgiveness in ways that...
by mmcalister2017 | Aug 17, 2005
If it’s all only Spirit, why should we meditate? Couldn’t it be that meditation is designed to fail in getting us closer to what’s already totally present? In this talk, Michael discusses these questions and suggests how practice unfolds along three...