
ISmile278 – Integrating Body, Mind and Practice

In this Dharma talk, Michael discusses the separation and anger he felt in relation to his teacher. At a very specific point during his practice, Michael learned that among the most important thing to do was to question the teaching. He realized that questioning his...

ISmile277 – When The Bottom Falls Out From Underneath Us

In this Dharma talk, Michael discusses what's required when great doubt begins to pervade our practice as well as our experience. When it feels like we're dying inside and despair arises, he suggests that it is imperative that we keep going with our work, continually...

ISmile276 – The Body, The Breath and Space

In this evening's Dharma talk, Michael presents his view on how the attention paid to the body and the breath offers us a path to an expanse beyond words. It is here we receive an invitation to the truth beyond name and form. The Holy, in other words, reveals itself...

ISmile275 – These Awakenings Starts With Forgiveness

In this evening's Dharma talk, Michael suggests that an authentic spiritual path must begin with the simple act of forgiveness. Uncovering what we can't forgive allows for us to familiarize ourselves with the egoic blocks to deepening our practice as well as any...

ISmile274 – Why Am I Here?

In this Dharma talk, Michael addresses what it means to question our motives for participating in a practice with a teaching, teacher and group of spiritual friends. From here an alchemy begins to unfold where the lead of one's day-to-day can reveal itself as...

ISmile273 – Attending to Sangha

In this Dharma talk, Michael addresses what it means to be part of a sangha and how attending to this relationship can inform the deepening of our practice.

ISmile272 – Vid: The Gift of Negativity

In this video of a recent Dharma talk, Michael discusses how welcoming negativity and exploring its roots helps each of us uncover the spaciousness that is beyond all things.

ISmile269 – Vid: The ‘Ahhh’ Moment

In this video of a recent Dharma talk, Michael speaks of how the grace and ease of breakthrough moments can lead us into greater spaciousness. ___ Click on the player below, in order to listen to Michael's talk. Also, please subscribe to this podcast on iTunes.

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