Buddha 2.0 in Nepal?

This goes along with what I mentioned in yesterday’s post about Buddhism losing traction in the East. What’s the best way to get people back into the temple? Maybe a little messianic mythology and claims of reincarnated Buddhas could inspire clinging and...

Maher’s Mark

Bill Maher speaks of his newly released film, Religulous: I don’t use the word “atheist” about myself, because I think it mirrors the certitude I’m so opposed to in religion. What I say in the film is that I don’t know. I don’t know...

Sam Harris and Andrew Sullivan Discuss Faith

While I happened upon this discussion late, I liked it very much. Both men are intelligent, passionate and polite. In their exchange Harris, author of The End of Faith, establishes a definition: I think that faith is, in principle, in conflict with reason (and,...

On beliefnet.com today Deepak Chopra blogs: In any system of organized religion, belief trumps first-hand experience. Such an experience, when it is truly spiritual, brings a sense of universality, far beyond our concepts of race and creed. Interesting echo of the...


So often it’s suggested that fundamentalists are at the root of the majority of the problems facing both this country and the world. I couldn’t agree more. Except that those making this suggestion can obviously be guilty of the same unconsciousness they...

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