by Infinite Smile | Apr 1, 2009 | Blog
The LA Times contributor Andrew Klavan challenged the Liberal Left to listen to Rush’s show before bashing him. This sounds like good advice, especially for those of us on the Path. Attachment to either Mr. Limbaugh’s opinions or the opinions that are in...
by Infinite Smile | Mar 16, 2009 | Blog
Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve received several inquiries relating to how any of us could possibly “let go” of that man called Rush and all of the unconsciousness that he spits out over the airwaves each day. For the record, my preference is to...
by Infinite Smile | Mar 9, 2009 | Blog
In a very thoughtful piece, Deepak Chopra offers some perspective on Rush Limbaugh’s style of communication and its impact on our perceptions of morality: Before the Eighties there were a handful of right-wing outlets on the air; now there are well over a...