Welcome to the Infinite Smile Blog. We’ve set up shop at Substack.
Dialogs With My Teacher #48
Here's another installment in a series of emails that took place between Michael and one of his senior students beginning the Summer of 2009. May you find the exchange interesting and enriching. ___ November 22, 2010 (#48) Student: It seems like the spiritual path...
Why the Young Are Losing Their Religion
A student at Duke offers up this interesting article in the Huffington Post: Newspapers and op-ed writers have noted that more and more members of the younger generations are turning away from Christianity. As a college student, I can tell you that from personal...
Dialogs With My Teacher #47
Here's another installment in a series of emails that took place between Michael and one of his senior students beginning the Summer of 2009. May you find the exchange interesting and enriching. ___ November 17, 2010 (#47) Student: How does practicing silence lead to...
The “You’re Not Special” Commencement
What? I'm not special? This, from the Washington Post, is an excerpt of Wellesly High School's most recent commencement address, delivered by David McCullough, Jr. (yes... it's that David McCullough's son). The whole speech, in context, is worth a read. Walt...
Dialogs With My Teacher #46
Here's another installment in a series of emails that took place between Michael and one of his senior students beginning the Summer of 2009. May you find the exchange interesting and enriching. ___ November 5, 2010 Student: I just read that seeking is passive. This...
Why Can’t I Stay Motivated?
Ego wants a payoff in this practice and it doesn’t seem like it’s going to show up any time soon.
Dialogs With My Teacher #45
Here's another installment in a series of emails that took place between Michael and one of his senior students beginning the Summer of 2009. May you find the exchange interesting and enriching. ___ November 4, 2010 (#45) Student: What do you think about all...
What of this tonglen thing?
Commuter Zen #84
Dialogs With My Teacher #44
Here's another installment in a series of emails that took place between Michael and one of his senior students beginning the Summer of 2009. May you find the exchange interesting and enriching. ___ November 3, 2010 Student: So has your life changed a great...
Join Us for Our Spring, Day-long Intensive
THE SOURCE OF JOY June 9th, 2012 GREEN GULCH FARM ZEN CENTER This one-day sitting will involve sitting and walking meditation, Dharma talks, Q & A and, by request, private interviews with Michael. Confirmation will be sent to you when your $80 payment is received....