
Welcome to the Infinite Smile Blog. We’ve set up shop at Substack.

Beware of Fundamentalism

I wrote about this a while back. Seems relevant for us all: “Fundamentalism arises when any religious organization, or any person, attaches so intensely to some version of truth that it must be defended. In this space, the ego continually seeks security by playing out...

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Meditators Under the Microscope

Great read about the science of mindfulness: What we know, what we don't know, and what the future holds. Especially interesting is the move in neuroscience concerning the conversion of states into traits. Source: Meditators Under the Microscope

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The Rohingya Muslim refugee crisis 

It's worthy for us to consider how Myanmar, with its Buddhist leanings, might appropriately adjust policy relating to the Rohingya Muslims in a more compassionate way. Source: The Rohingya refugee crisis is the worst in decades - Daily chart

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We’re Back!

Thanks to the generous underwriting from one of our sangha members, Charla Gabbert, and the many contributions from others, the site is back up and running. All of the old podcasts have been recovered and are being re-syncronized with iTunes as...

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My Meditation Binge, in a Nutshell

In a city full of fitness and wellness tribes, it can be seemingly impossible to break into a new one — but not when it comes to joining the growing group of meditators. Last week, a New York Times article explored the “mainstream business practice and a kind of...

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