Welcome to the Infinite Smile Blog. We’ve set up shop at Substack.
Revisiting Obama and McCain: an Integral analysis
If you've got the time, Corey DeVos and Clint Fuhs did a great job on analyzing various parts of the '08 campaign from an Integral perspective. Check 'em out. Bows, Corey DeVos & Clint Fuhs at Integral Life.
Ken Wilber on Obama
Here's part of what Ken Wilber thinks of Obama: It is, of course, still too soon to make a solid judgment about this, but it seems safe to say that Barack Obama is likely moving into truly Integral waves of development and therefore beginning to evidence truly...
A Buddhist Military Sangha
Advertised as "An Online Resource for Buddhists Associated with the United States Armed Forces." Welcome to the Buddhist Military Sangha! This is a nonpolitical and nonsectarian forum for Buddhists serving in the US Armed Forces. Interesting. via Buddhist Military...
The G-word and the Superbowl
The WaPo has an interesting article about religiosity and the game: ...the depth of convictions from evangelical Cardinals quarterback Kurt Warner to the Steelers who will do their best to plant him face-first into the ground on Sunday has put religion squarely in...
Sex and Zen… in 3D?
Wow. I know what you're thinking: this is all fun and games until somebody loses an eye. Shooting on the Chinese-language film 3D Sex And Zen, budgeted at 4 million US dollars, is scheduled for April with producers promising some of the most realistic close-up sex...
Scottish Buddhists Rejoice!
Finally, a vegetarian haggis recipe just like my Uncle Angus used to make: The other night I made a vegetarian version of the traditional Scottish dish, haggis, of which Wikipedia has the following to say: There are many recipes, most of which have in common the...
Real love vs. Egoic negotiation
Over at Wildmind, Sunada talks of her interpretation of attachment in relation to love: letÂ’s clarify what the Buddha said about sexual relationships. He said that a man and a woman in a loving, supportive relationship are like a pairing of a god and a goddess. Hardly...
Obama’s Inaugural Buddhist Connection
Earlier today, elephant journal reported that Obama was keeping a prayer shawl from the Dalai Lama in his pocked during the inauguration. I then got this email from a friend of mine: From: "Richard C. Blum" Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 14:40:46 -0800 To: Lodi Gyari Subject:...
un-Botching the Botch
Ann Althouse, offered up this analysis of the botched oath of office. The Chief Justice in fact screwed up the oath. The Constitution requires: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to...
Not a dream…
While I often refraign from making political matters the centerpiece of a day's blogging, today I was overcome with the enormity of historical significance. Unfortunately, my wife, child, dog, and I couldn't be in DC as we would have liked. So we watched on tv,...