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Pics Along the Path
When shampoo attacks...
The Trap of This or That
David Marshall writes an intelligent response to one of my recent posts that I thought I'd share. To my assertion that the Source of all agency might be a more accurate, albeit partial, representation of what we often call God, he says: I think this is debatable if...
Fanning Fundamentalist Flames
The International Herald Tribune offers an interesting piece on the implications of this past week's attacks. The major theme shouldn't surprise any one. The terrorists' barely concealed ties to Pakistan suggest that a key objective of the Mumbai assault was to fan...
Over at Salon, Steve Paulson writes about biologist Stuart Kauffman's new approach to God in his recent book, "Reinventing the Sacred". [Kauffman] seeks to formulate a new scientific worldview and, in the process, reclaim God for nonbelievers. Kauffman argues that our...
Who says singing crocs can’t help us uncover stillness?
Bows to the WorstHorse for this one.
Obama’s Church of Hope?
Over at the Huffington Post, Deepak Chopra brings up interesting points when it comes to public presidential piety (just try to say that bit of alliteration quickly). Money quote: ...if Obama went to a different church every week, with the intention of healing the...
Buddhist News
Anyone interested in a comprehensive collection of Buddhist blogs and news should check out Alltop. Nice work from Guy Kawasaki, et al.
Michael Paulson writes of last night's screening of "Milk" for this morning's Boston Globe: California is facing a measure that would restrict gay rights amidst a national debate over how the nation's legal framework should view homosexuality. The conservative...
Malaysians Ban Yoga for Muslims
Interesting read over at the On Faith section of the Washington Post: Malaysia's top Islamic body fresh from banning tomboys issued an edict Saturday that prohibits Muslims from practicing yoga, saying that elements of Hinduism in the ancient Indian exercise could...
Gridiron Goofiness
Fascinating piece on the Utah and BYU rivalry from today's New York Times: As B.Y.U. players navigate the narrow alley onto the field, Utah fans on both sides hurl down insults that are as personal as they are profane. It feels less like an entrance than a perp walk....