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Dialogs With My Teacher #23
Here's another installment in a series of emails that took place between Michael and one of his senior students beginning the Summer of 2009. May you find the exchange interesting and enriching. ____ August 10, 2010 Student: Your words during last night's Dharma talk...
What do we do when our practice plateaus?
Commuter Zen #71
Dialogs With My Teacher #22
Here's another installment in a series of emails that took place between Michael and one of his senior students beginning in August of 2009. May you find the exchange interesting and enriching. ____ July 29, 2010 (#22) Student: Would it be accurate to...
The Top 5 Regrets of The Dying
When questioned about any regrets they had or anything they would do differently, common themes surfaced again and again. Here are the most common five: 1. I wish Id had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me. This was the...
Where does the ego come from?
Commuter Zen #70
Dialogs With My Teacher #21
Here's another installment in a series of emails that took place between Michael and one of his senior students beginning in August of 2009. May you find the exchange interesting and enriching. ____ July 25th, 2010 Student: Why does it seem as if I phase in and out of...
Does Emptiness Evolve?
Commuter Zen #69
Dialogs with My Teacher #20
Here's another installment in a series of emails that took place between Michael and one of his senior students beginning in August of 2009. May you find the exchange interesting and enriching. ____ July 16, 2010 Student: Ive got a bunch of questions that have been...
Dialogs With My Teacher #19
Here's another installment in a series of emails that took place between Michael and one of his senior students beginning in August of 2009. May you find the exchange interesting and enriching. ____ July 15, 2010 Student: If experience isn't personal (as in, why me?...
What Buddhism Says About Heartbreak
Susan Piver does a great job on this recent posting at the elephant journal. Love can never be made safe. It is the opposite of safe. The moment you try to make it safe, it ceases to be love. I realize this is a bummer, but think about it. Love is predicated on...