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A “Wordle” From Germany
Bows, Ralf
Quotes for the Week
On Idiot Compassion: "Idiot compassion is the highly conceptualized idea that you want to do good to somebody. At this point, good is purely related with pleasure. Idiot compassion also stems from not have enough courage to say no." ~ Chögyam Trungpa And his student,...
What should a beginner expect from our meditation group?
Commuter Zen #55
Dialogs With My Teacher #4
Here's another installment in a series of emails that took place between Michael and one of his senior students beginning in August of 2009. May you find the exchange interesting and enriching. (Art: Bows to Geironimo for "Free Fall") ___ June 3, 2010 Student: Is it...
Discomfort in Meditation
Thought this was a nice piece on an issue that faces several members of our sangha: discomfort in meditation and our ability to work with it as we broaden our perspective. The minute we give our thought a label, we are stepping back to look at it. Unless we do that,...
Is there wisdom in anxiety?
Commuter Zen #54
Dialogs With My Teacher #3
Here's another installment in a series of emails that took place between Michael and one of his senior students beginning in August of 2009. May you find them interesting and enriching. ___ June 1, 2010 Student: Osho says that, Meditation is not a result of your...
The 20 Questions That Can Transform
I think Martha Beck offers us a good article that covers some of the more important questions to be asked by any person on the spiritual path. 1. What questions should I be asking myself?At first I thought asking yourself what you should be asking yourself was...
On cellphones, space and the present moment…
Commuter Zen #53
Dialogs With My Teacher #2
Here's another installment in a series of emails that took place between Michael and one of his senior students beginning in August of 2009. May you find them interesting and enriching. ___ May 13, 2010 Student: From the enlightened perspective, is there no...