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Quote of the Week

Life only demands from you the strength you possess. Only one feat is possible - not to have run away. ~Dag Hammarskjold

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Ten Pointers on How to Meditate with Very Little Buddhas

Loved this piece on meditating with little ones. I haven't been as successful at this as Kara is. My daily, morning half-hour meditation is a must-do. It’s the first priority as soon as I wake up, and whenever possible, I’ll get up and do it before my toddler is out...

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So What Would Jung Think of Us Now?

The famed Swiss psychologist's work comes up time and again in our sangha. I thought this piece in today's BBC News was interesting. He would see signs of progress. Take the way we worry about the care of children. In the last 50 years, attitudes towards parenting...

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The Pain Doctor at the Zen Hospice Project

This triple amputee is an inspiring bodhisattva at the Zen Hospice Project: Bruce Miller Jr., who goes simply by BJ without punctuation, was born in Chicago and grew up mostly in its suburbs. He described himself as a melancholy and overly sensitive "mamas boy," who...

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Quote of the Week

Ring the bells that still can ring Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything, That's how the light gets in. ~Leonard Cohen

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There’s Awakening Then There’s Awakening

The topic of "shifting towards an awakening" has come up quite a bit recently, so I thought I'd share part of a post from Tom Stine's blog that deals with it. I've excerpted commentary given by Adyashanti at one of his satsangs that Tom uses to introduce the subject:...

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