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Quote of the Week
What is troubling us is the tendency to believe that the mind is like a little man within. - Ludwig von Wittgenstein
Communicating Through Insecurities
Commuter Zen #49
Encore Post – The Mask
This post was originally offered in June of 2008 as part of the book, Awake in This Life. ___ When the ego's activity of identification begins to be exposed to a more expansive awareness within us, it begins to resist what it perceives as a loss of all it has worked...
Quote of the Week
Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth, "You owe me." Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky. ~ Hafiz
How does meditation practice develop over time?
Commuter Zen #48
For the Dharma Moms and Dharma Dads
John Pappas, aka @ZenDirtZenDust, submits this great post to the elephant journal (@elephantjournal) on how to navigate parenting from a Buddhist perspective. The Emptiness of Family: A Guide to Engaged Parenting. When we enter into the responsibilities of parenthood...
How do we stop craving?
Commuter Zen #47
Encore Post – Appropriate Responses
This post was originally offered in June of 2008 as part of the book, Awake in This Life. ___ The Chinese Master Yunmen referred to the most profound Buddhist teachings as simply being "an appropriate response" to the circumstances of our lives. Any time we see...
Got Quiet?
Spring 2011 Day-long Intensive SURFING LIFES WAVES Saturday, May 21 GREEN GULCH FARM ZEN CENTER This one-day sitting will involve sitting and walking meditation, Dharma talks, Q & A and, by request, private interviews with Michael. Confirmation will be sent to...
Quote of the Day
Life is a thing that mutates without warning, not always in enviable ways. All part of the improbable adventure of being alive, of being a brainy biped with giant dreams on a crazy blue planet. Diane Ackerman, One Hundred Names for Love: A Stroke, A Marriage, and the...