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Commuter Zen #43
How does this work reveal light?
Caught By Our Longing For Awakening
This originally appeared in June of 2008 as "No Shortcuts" from the book, Awake in This Life. ___ I've mentioned that I began my meditation practice asking teachers if there might be a shortcut to any of this work. The answers I got all came down to what I've so often...
Cultivating A Sloppy Spirituality
I just read a piece in the Huffington Post by MeiMei Fox on how she sees much of contemporary spirituality to be lost in its own moralism. I cant say I disagree with her. Like MeiMei, I found my own journey fraught with teachers, and even entire communities, that...
Quote of the Day
A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle. - Erin Majors
Commuter Zen #42
What would the middle way feel like?
Book Talk
This clip comes from a book talk held over a year ago, discussing Michael's book, Awake in This Life.
On Awakened Dating
REPRISE from 3/31/2011 In the past few weeks, there have been several of our sangha members, both virtual and local, young and (dare I say) more mature, who've asked me about their deep longing for partnership. Questions surrounding how they might find true intimacy,...
Commuter Zen #41
How does mind serve awakening?
Enlightened and Enlightening Relationships
This is a reposting of an excerpt from the book, Awake in This Life, entitled "Relationships." It was first posted in May, 2008. ___ Among the richest areas for practice is relationship. Many of us, whether we are in a committed relationship or not, tend to have our...
Don’t Wobble
"In walking, just walk. In sitting, just sit. Above all, don't wobble." ~ Yunmen Some years ago, my Zen teacher made a big deal about Yunmen's teaching of "not wobbling" or, as I have frequently termed it, "not flinching." Not allowing myself to become like those...