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Dalai Lama’s Environmental Wishes Get Wikileaked

Interesting Wikileaking from Huffington Post: NEW DELHI — A leaked U.S. diplomatic cable says the Dalai Lama told American officials that the issue of Tibet's political future should be temporarily shelved in favor of concerns over climate change. The cable sent from...

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When Students Speak…

The Infinite Smile Sangha has been known for bucking tradition rather significantly. Nothing against tradition, it's just the way the organization has evolved. But there are some aspects of tradition that still find their way into our work. The Shuso Ceremony is one...

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Politics and Dharma

I'm frequently asked how we can integrate the Dharma into something as "sticky" as the news, in general, and politics, specifically. On the one hand, non-attachment to what's going on in the world is not so easy since the preferences that the news and politics tweeks...

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What is NOT God?

A couple of interesting questions come up for me after reading this commentary by Andrew Cohen. First off, the question, How does God feel?, is pretty cool. What does HeShe feel like? More importantly, what would HeShe not feel like? If we see the purest Being as a...

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Bejing, The Dalai Lama and Wikileaks

Shambala Sun has a story on how Wikileaks has shed a little light on Bejing's continued anger at the Dalai Lama's presence on the global stage. While most of what we may learn about Tibet and its troubled relationship with China probably won't be radically enhanced by...

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Buddhadharma, Buddhadrama

This is interesting. And while the details are unclear, it doesn't seem like a very fair fight. Recently, an online scandal has been making the rounds of the Buddhist Twitterverse. Chicago blogger and student of Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, Bill Schwartz (@ryderjaphy on...

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